Spotted: Where are you going
- Shortstory -

I felt his eyes on me.
From across the room, a tall, dark figure, was determined to pave its way towards me; eyeing me, like a hungry animal would observe its prey. The only thing standing between hunger and satisfaction, was a dance floor filled with awkward adolescents, moving their bodies like nobody was watching and at the same time, like they were in the world's spotlights.
Nothing other than tipsy teens and of course hesitation when facing the Unknown and Uncertain, like romantic rejection.
Although there’s nothing romantic about rejection.
“Where are you going?”
The deep and manly voice of my father pulled my mind back to the present, to be exact, to me sitting in front of my floor length mirror, trying to make me look and feel like a million bucks, without making it seem like I am covering up a lie.
He was looking at me like a lion would look at his cub, protective but wary, when I was getting up on my feet, reassuring my perfect little illusion. Protective because a father never fully entrusts his daughter to the world, wary because he can never be certain what his daughter entrusts of herself to the world.
“Just meeting up with a friend.”
Completely aware, that it was definitely not just a meeting but a date and not a friend but a potential lover. I knew however, that it would break my father's heart, him facing the idea, that he isn’t the only love in his daughters life.
A fact, protected by an illusion.
Blood was pumping through my veins. With every step he took, my breath became heavier, my limbs fought against collapsing and my hand desperately tried not to let that cup of cheap Whiskey and Coke slip. I swallowed a sip of nervousness and excitement as he stopped right in front of me.
“ I couldn't help but notice, you’re a great dancer.", the party lights reflecting in his eyes." Unfortunately I have to go now, but can I give you my number maybe?”
“Aha, how are you going to get back?”
He wouldn’t accept me using the tram, in spite of it being only a 10 minute ride back home. As it turned out, I wasn’t the only one covering up flaws. So we settled on him picking me up after the meet up with the elegid friend. We both knew the truth, yet chose to believe the lie to protect the Inevitable. One day I would step out of his house and never fully return, if only visiting from time to time. A father's greatest fear isn't seeing his daughter grow up but being confronted with her independence.
Within a split second, the door locked behind me.
I closely followed every digit appearing on the illuminated display. The darkness of the room like a veil over my blushed cheeks. He handed me the phone, my sweaty hands reaching for it, still clutching the cup. As he aimed for the exit, he suddenly turned around and with a raw awkwardness and crooked smile, approached me again. A soft but memorable hug for the first but not the last farewell.
His dark coat was moving, as the door closed behind him.
He was wearing the same coat combined with a smile on his face. In no time, hazy memories became crystal clear. We went inside the mildly lit restaurant.
Once in our seats, the conversation cascaded out of our mouths. Time felt like it was flying past us. It was only when the chairs where flipped on the tables around us, that we realised, time hadn’t passed us by, we just chose to ignore it.
Suddenly my phone lit up, a text message from my father. He was waiting outside the restaurant. A promise held, an impulse unbroken.
-Where are you.